Universal service offers – aimed at private and non-residential customers who are entitled to universal service; the contractual relationship is conducted on the basis of a standard contract, the contract can only be concluded by the customer with suppliers of last resort. Competitive offers – aimed at all customers; contractual relations are conducted on the basis of a contract negotiated between the parties, by which the contract can be concluded by the customer with any electricity supplier. Undifferentiated – the price of electricity is the same for every hour. The value of electricity consumption is entered into the lei from the current electricity supplier`s bill. The last bill is being considered to regulate the rates of services at the same values as in comparison. offers for FUI customers who do not use a universal service – they are aimed at non-residential customers in the portfolio of a provider of last resort who have not exhausted their eligibility (have not concluded a contract with a competing provider) and do not meet the conditions or have not requested universal service; the contractual relationship is conducted on the basis of a negotiated contract, the contract can only be concluded by the customer with the supplier of last resort in whose portfolio he is. The accuracy of the search results depends on the information entered by the electricity suppliers in the comparative database, the accuracy of which is their sole responsibility. www.anre.ro/ro/info-consumatori/operatori-economici/energie-electrica1391006213/furnizare-catre-consumatori1391006442 user guide of the application “Comparison of electricity offers” By using price comparison for electricity supply offers, users confirm the knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions. The consumption is entered from the current invoice for which a comparison is to be made.
In this case, the value in the “Value of the current bill for comparison purposes” field of the same bill from which the electricity consumption is used must be filled in to obtain the correct comparison. Differentiated – the price of electricity varies according to the hours. Different prices for day and night The comparative offer for the power supply is only informative. Non-household appliances that do not meet the conditions for the universal evening – non-domestic customer except the customer who uses the universal service The level of voltage with which the place of consumption is provided. For private customers, most consumer seats operate with low voltage. The value in this field is set to the low voltage level. Variable price – The price can be changed in the quote request. . Domestic workers who fulfil the universal service conditions – non-domestic customers with fewer than 50 employees and whose annual turnover or total value of balance sheet assets does not exceed EUR 10 million who purchases electricity for the economic or professional activity of the household – the customer who purchases electricity for his own domestic consumption (e.g. lighting, heating, food preparation, etc.) The field is automatically completed with a value of 100 KWh, which corresponds to an average monthly consumption among residential customers, so that the estimated value of the bill can be calculated.
Fixed price – The price remains unchanged for the duration of the offer communicated by the supplier Select the date from which the offer must apply. LIST OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLIERS ON THE MARKET WITH AMANUNTUL Here are the prices and offers for private customers who question the universal service and as a last resort. An estimate of consumption is inserted when no comparison with the value of the current invoice or with information on its value is required. The tariffs for regulated services are valid at the time of selection in the “Date of application of the offer” field. Note: All fields marked with an * must fill in the prices here for customers in the competitive market whose price guarantee period has expired.. .