Article 8 of the NCA defines what credit agreements are and divides the definition into four categories. When the law was originally introduced, there was some confusion with the possible overlap in the definition of credit facilities and ancillary credit agreements. Fortunately, in JMV Textiles (Pty) Ltd v. From Chalain Spareinvest 14 CC and others (15136/09) [2010] ZAKZDHC 34 to 14, the Court clarified with examples what a credit facility is: lenders give all the terms of the loan fully open in a loan agreement. Significant credit terms included in the loan agreement include the annual interest rate, how interest is applied to outstanding balances, fees associated with the account, loan term, payment terms, and any consequences in the event of late payment. Ancillary credit agreements exist when goods or services are made available to a consumer for a certain period of time and a royalty or interest is charged only if payment is not made by an agreed date. Examples include the DEBT ADVISOR: is a person who helps a consumer who is unable to make payments to his lenders, e.B. negotiate and reorganize his payments to credit providers. A debt advisor also helps with the application for debt advice and must have the necessary training, experience, etc. to register as a debt advisor with the national credit regulator. Unfortunately, in South Africa, too many people with too little money have received too much credit. This ultimately leads to over-indebtedness, which leads to an endless circle of frustration for the consumer who can never repay their debts. [6] Unsecured monetary loans are generally smaller monetary loans (microcredits) that are repaid in installments, with no guarantee for the repayment of the debt to the lender.

Microloans as a category of NCRs usually speak to credit providers who can borrow a maximum amount of R8,000 for up to 6 months. In some credit agreements (usually installment contracts), the consumer does not become the owner until the full purchase price has been paid and the credit provider has a right of redemption in the event of breach of contract. Until then, the credit provider has an interest in the location of the goods. Reckless credit is credit granted to a consumer under a credit agreement where the creditor: A credit agreement is a contract between a creditor and a consumer in which the creditor provides goods or services or lends money to consumers. Mortgage contracts are loans of money secured by the registration of a mortgage bond on land, the proceeds of which are typically used to purchase land or housing. However, this does not apply to large agreements such as Pfandbriefe. If a consumer wishes to pay a guarantee, he must first inform the credit provider of the termination for a period of three months. If a mortgage obligation is cancelled, the consumer is responsible for the cancellation fee of the deposit.

Many consumer rights are included in the law, but very few rights for credit providers. (In contrast, credit providers have many obligations.) The law is biased against consumers because it seeks to correct the imbalances inherent in our common law. This is not unusual for legislation of this kind. In certain circumstances, consumers may terminate contracts (in writing and properly delivered) within five working days of their signature. This right of objection applies only to lease and instalments concluded in a place other than the registered business premises of the credit provider. As a general rule, this right applies to staggered credit sales (as in the case of cars, books, household appliances) that are concluded at the consumer`s home or workplace. The consumer must return the purchased goods, and the lender must repay the amounts paid by the consumer within seven days of termination, less the following: The applicability of the law to a transaction can have far-reaching consequences, since the CAS is extended in its consumer protection. It imposes numerous obligations and restrictions on the lender whose activity is subject to the law and, conversely, offers the consumer many advantages in such a transaction. Mr X wants to fund a legal technology start-up founded by a friend of his son who is currently studying computer engineering at the University of Pretoria. Your customer (Mr. X) will send you an instruction to create a credit agreement for a transaction. The National Credit Act (NCA) was signed by the President on 15 March 2005 and governs the assessment, enforcement and maintenance of credit granted by a lender to a consumer in the Republic of South Africa.

A contract is a credit agreement if it provides for a deferral or late payment and if fees or interest are charged on the deferred payment. The law does not require that a loan agreement be signed in writing and by both parties, although this is implicit throughout the law. A loan agreement may be a credit facility, a loan transaction or a loan guarantee (or a combination thereof). .