The transfer of risks associated with credit insurance requires the regulation of the product as insurance. This regulation protects the bank in the event of insolvency. However, the same protection is not available with a debt relief product. In the case of a CCC, the creditor retains all risks of cancellation or suspension of payment. In addition, CDCs do not sell through insurance agents, brokers, or other intermediaries. They are a feature of the loan extension provided by a lender that the customer can cancel at any time. Banks and car agencies offer debt relief agreements instead of insurance for a fee and a deductible. Banks and other financial institutions offer debt relief contracts instead of credit insurance. Credit insurance is a type of insurance policy taken out by a borrower who pays one or more existing debts in the event of death, disability or, in rare cases, unemployment. CDC acts as credit insurance, but can also be written to cover life events of the borrower`s spouse or other household members. This feature of the product recognizes that in many households, different family members contribute to total household income.

A product in which debt is suspended for a certain period of time due to extenuating circumstances is called a Debt Suspension Agreement (ODA). In DPAs, debt payments are not cancelled and resumed after the existence of extenuating circumstances. Both products are under the control and supervision of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The submission will not be considered complete until the non-refundable application fee and debt relief agreement have been received by our agency. They also asked whether the NCUA considers debt relief contracts or CAP waivers as insurance and whether an FCU entering into such contracts or waivers is engaged in the insurance sector. In the aforementioned statement to Richard Hetzel, we noted that the determination of whether a debt forgiveness contract or a waiver of the APM is an insurance product must be made by the state`s competent insurance regulator. However, after further examination, we believe that debtor waiver contracts or BPA waivers are not insurance products. We rely on a decision of the Federal Court of Appeal that states that since national banks are allowed to offer debt relief contracts under their ancillary powers, debt relief contracts should not be considered “insurance activities.” First National Bank of Eastern Arkansas v Taylor, 907 F.2d 775, 780 (8th Cir. 1990), Cert. refused, 498 U.S. 972 (1990).

Therefore, an FCU would not be engaged in the insurance sector by entering into such debt relief contracts or CAP waivers with its members. If you have any other questions about debt relief contracts, please contact A debt forgiveness agreement (DCC) is a contractual arrangement that changes the terms of the loan. Under the debt relief agreement, a bank undertakes to cancel a customer`s obligation to repay a loan or credit in whole or in part. These contracts come into effect with the occurrence of a particular event, as stated in the contract, and most people associate them with credit card debt. Is debt relief the solution for all vehicles? No, the debt waiver waives the customer in case of total loss or theft and does not cover partial losses such as wing beads. Debt cancellation agreements may not be the right product for vehicles that are financed with higher real cash values over the long term. A Debt Cancellation Agreement (CDA) provides for the cancellation of loan payments when it becomes difficult or impossible for the borrower to make payments. These events may include an accident or loss of life, health or income. Other reasons for debt relief include military service, marriage and divorce.

CDC offers borrowers a flexible way to protect themselves from a variety of events that can affect their ability to pay off their debt. They also allow borrowers to buy only the protection they need because of their financial situation and the amount of outstanding debt. Therefore, Debt Relief Agreements (DCAs) and Debt Suspension Agreements (DSAs) are often a more appropriate form of debt protection for borrowers than credit insurance. As long as a federal credit union (FCU) does not operate in a form of self-insurance as described below, we believe that debt relief contracts or WAIVERS are not insurance products and that an FCU can use them. Our response is limited to CFUs. When it comes to government-chartered credit unions, you should suggest these questions to the competent state authority for an answer. Before submitting the agreement, we recommend that you read occc`s advisory bulletin “Review of Debt Relief Agreements Subject to Insurance”. If the debt relief agreement does not specify that the retail investor must take out insurance, the debt relief agreement will be rejected.

Richard Hetzel of FLS Services, Inc. has forwarded your newsletter to John Tullis of Balboa Insurance Company to the Office of General Counsel of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) for response. In your letter, you requested a written statement that credit unions may use debt relief contracts or agreements and that the NUA does not consider these contracts or agreements to be insurance. An FCU cannot sell a debt relief contract under a CAP program where the FCU actually operates in a form of self-insurance. Self-insurance is defined as a “plan in which the insured (for example. B the enterprise) sets aside sufficient amounts in a fund to cover any loss of liability that may be incurred”. BLACK`S LAW DICTIONARY 806 (6th edition 1990). An FCU would insure whether the FCU established a special reserve for vehicles subject to a debt cancellation contract to finance the resulting credit deficits, rather than purchasing GAP insurance coverage from an insurance provider. In addition, an FCU would be considered self-insurance if the FCU establishes a special reserve to fund credit shortfalls up to a certain amount in dollars, and then takes out insurance with a seller to cover excessive loss or liability. States require liability insurance for vehicles. Debt relief is not insurance.

Customers must take out liability insurance with an insurance company for the vehicle. Liability insurance is affordable. A debt cancellation contract (DCA) is an agreement under which the holder of an instalment retail contract cancels a certain amount due on the contract if the vehicle is stolen or summarized. Some TCA require the retail purchaser to maintain insurance for the vehicle. A LOAC that requires a retail buyer to maintain insurance must be submitted to our agency for review. The SCCC has 45 days to approve or reject this type of DCA form after it has been submitted to the agency. As of May 5, 2016, there will be a non-refundable deposit fee of $250 for each TCA. Indeed, when an FCU acts as a self-insurer, the FCU provides insurance coverage for members` loans by assuming the risk of payment of each loan. Self-insurance is not an activity that comes with an explicit authority of the FCU. However, an FCU may conclude debt relief contracts or WAIVERS of the CAP within its ancillary powers, provided that it acquires an insurance policy covering the entire risk of loss. The submission process consists of two steps. First, email a completed copy of the submission form (see below) and a “clean” version of the Abode Acrobat DCA document (pdf) to

Second, send the completed submission form with your cheque for the $250 non-refundable deposit fee and, if desired, a copy of the debt relief agreement to: AVP has a variety of clients across the country who use debt relief agreements. With this experience, we can help you decide if debt relief works for you. Contact us and we will provide you with the pro forma and necessary information so that you can decide if debt relief agreements work for you. A CAP program set up by an FCU operates in two phases. First, an FCU that finances the purchase or lease of a borrower`s vehicle would ask the borrower if they want CAP protection. If the borrower opts for CAP protection, the FCU will enter into a debt forgiveness agreement or CAP waiver with the borrower.