Double taxation can also be avoided under Norwegian credit deduction regulations if the property is located in a country with which Norway does not have a tax treaty. Social security agreements have been concluded with Australia, Canada, the European Economic Area, India, the United Kingdom, the United States and others. A person`s Norwegian tax … Read More
Month: February 2022
Does North Korea Have Any Trade Agreements
The share of defence expenditure in total expenditure has increased considerably since the 1960s: from 3.7% in 1959 to 19% in 1960 and from an average of 19.8% between 1961 and 1966 to 30.4% in 1967. After remaining around 30% until 1971, the defensive share fell sharply to 17% in 1972 and continued to … Read More
Do You Need Two Forms of Id for Notary
If you want to have a notarized document, there are a few things you need to bring to the notary`s office. Some of the things you need to bring are: Finally, you might ask “what difference it makes” for a notary to “simply notarize” a document as in the scenario above. Since the title … Read More
Do Contractors Blacklist Customers
Newly introduced allows business owners to blacklist bad customers. Think of it as a Yelp for entrepreneurs. But instead of looking at customers and stores, the community gives feedback on how quickly a customer pays or how well a customer treats your employees. Better Business Bureau spokeswoman Katherine Hutt told BusinessWeek that “a … Read More
Disclaimer of Oral Agreements Texas
Lucy Griffin`s answer: I agree with Andy, this is a matter of constitutional law and each state has its own laws on this subject. One feature that most states have in common is a provision that oral contracts for home loans are never enforceable. Any loan secured by immovable property, whether consumer or merchant, … Read More
Difference between Free Trade Agreement and Economic Union
The second way in which free trade areas are seen as public goods is related to the trend towards their “deepening”. The depth of a free trade area refers to the additional types of structural policies it covers. While older trade agreements are considered “flatter” because they cover fewer areas (such as tariffs and … Read More
Denmark Tax Treaty Rates
Foreign taxes paid by subsidiaries involved in international joint taxation can be deducted from Danish taxes according to the imputation method. This applies regardless of the possible exceptions in a double taxation agreement. The United States and Denmark have had a tax treaty for many years, but they updated their agreement in 2001. This … Read More
Define Voting Agreement
Voting trusts are often formed by the directors of a corporation, but sometimes a group of shareholders form one to exercise some control over the corporation. It can also be used to resolve conflicts of interest, increase shareholder voting rights and/or avoid a hostile takeover. The escrow agreement generally states that beneficiaries will continue … Read More
Debt Cancellation Agreement Gap
The transfer of risks associated with credit insurance requires the regulation of the product as insurance. This regulation protects the bank in the event of insolvency. However, the same protection is not available with a debt relief product. In the case of a CCC, the creditor retains all risks of cancellation or suspension of … Read More
Customer Contract Agreement
In other situations, the Customer may apply to the court for an injunction, in particular if the other party has committed fraudulent or unfair commercial practices. These remedies depend, of course, on the nature of the contract and the nature of the infringement. A mandate contract for continuous after-sales services. Sections for withholding payments, … Read More