Indirect grant management means that we have entered into a funding agreement with a third party (e.g. B the government of a partner country) which assumes the role of contracting authority, while we have pre-approved the main steps of the procedure. When we directly manage grants, we assume the role of contracting authority, which means that we are responsible for the entire procurement process, from the publication of calls for proposals to award decisions, to the signing of grant contracts and monitoring their implementation. Transparency and equal treatment – The award procedure is a public and fully transparent procedure and ensures non-discrimination for all applicants. These are the most important steps to follow. For more information on applying for the grant, visit the Search for Funding section of this website. In most cases, the contracting authority must submit to us for approval the details of the proposed grants and, if necessary, the draft grant contracts. You must also inform us as soon as the grant agreements are signed. Nationality rule – Applicants for grant contracts must be established in an eligible country as defined in the conditions of the calls for proposals.

Calls for proposals and grants under direct management shall be subject to the prior publication of a corresponding work programme. Non-retroactivity – Grants cannot be awarded for measures that have already been completed or have already begun. Exception – Exceptionally, if the applicant can duly justify the need to initiate the action before signing the grant contract, we may accept that the grant covers the previous costs. Search for a funding opportunity on our website for the publication of calls for proposals and calls for proposals. Co-financing – Grants usually cover only part of the eligible costs and beneficiaries have to bear part of the costs themselves. Exceptions – The 2018 Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the EU introduced the possibility: a grant is a financial contribution granted by the contracting authority to the beneficiary. It is financed by the general budget of the EU or the European Development Fund (EDF). There are two main types of grants: a grant is awarded to the contracting authority on the basis of a proposal from an applicant (usually under a call for proposals).

The action to be covered by the grant must be clearly defined by the applicant in his proposal. Once the grant has been awarded, the applicant becomes the beneficiary of the grant, is responsible for the implementation of the action and owns the results. With grants, we financially support specific projects or operations that are in line with our external action objectives. These financial contributions can cover a wide range of sectors and areas and are usually awarded following a call for proposals. Any development organisation that meets the requirements of a particular call for tenders may apply for the corresponding grant. We are still responsible for publishing funding guidelines and award notices. Non-cumulation – The recipient does not receive more than one grant per funded action and no more than one operating grant per fiscal year. Non-profit rule – The action covered by a subsidy must not generate profits.

Read the guidelines for applicants carefully and check if your organization is eligible. In exceptional cases, the contracting authority does not need prior authorisation from us to award a grant. Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument for the implementation of the Innovation Union, a flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 strategy to ensure Europe`s global competitiveness. By linking research and innovation, Horizon 2020 contributes to this by focusing on scientific excellence, industrial leadership and solving societal challenges. The aim is to ensure that Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and facilitates cooperation between the public and private sectors in the provision of innovations. for a single lump sum to cover all eligible costs (full funding), submit your application within the time limit and in accordance with the terms of the call, either by post, if authorised, or in most cases online via the E-Calls PROSPECT portal. The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation will be complemented by other actions to complement and develop the European Research Area. These measures aim to remove obstacles to the creation of a genuine internal market for knowledge, research and innovation. Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsible de su contenido. Register your organization in the Online Potential Candidate Data Record (PADOR).

Horizon 2020 is open to all, with a simple structure that reduces bureaucracy and time so that participants can focus on what is really important. This approach ensures that new projects are launched quickly and achieve results faster. For more information about programs, see the How We Work section of this website. Más traducciones en el diccionario español-inglés. Horizon 2020 is seen as a means of promoting economic growth and job creation and enjoys the political support of European Heads of State or Government and Members of the European Parliament. They agreed that research is an investment in our future, placing it at the heart of the EU`s approach to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs. .