While a regular resolution is the same as a divorce, a summary resolution is an abbreviated version of the process. Couples who qualify for a summary resolution don`t have to fill out as many documents and they don`t have to appear in court for a trial. Both spouses must submit a joint application for summary dissolution and prepare it with a property settlement agreement. Summary resolutions have strict approval guidelines, and each of them must be followed to continue. The requirements are as follows: I meet ALL the requirements to request a summary resolution; Proceed to the next step. If both spouses or partners are not quite on the same page, whether terminating the marriage or ending the marriage, summary dissolution may not be the best option. Both spouses must accept each form of the petition and sign it. This includes waiving the right to spousal support, which is often a breaking factor for a spouse who may not earn much on their own. Any spouse may revoke the application for summary dissolution at any time during the 6-month waiting period. If the conditions are met, a couple can begin the process of petitioning the court for a summary resolution in California.

The process begins with reading and signing the Dissolution Information Summary Form, which sets out their rights and obligations when applying for dissolution. Both spouses must then receive and complete a series of forms that must be attached to the application. Forms help spouses divide community property, allocate debts, and clearly justify personal property. Each spouse must include supporting documents that reflect their income, such as tax returns, tax forms and bank statements. In California, summary dissolution is an easier way to end a marriage than the regular dissolution process in California. To be eligible for a summary resolution, you must meet the following requirements: Once the application is filed, the spouses must wait six months before the court renders a judgment on the summary dissolution. During this waiting period, each spouse may revoke the application. Once the six-month period has expired and the court has approved the summary dissolution, the marriage is no longer valid. For married couples, find out about the requirements you must meet to be eligible for summary dissolution to end your marriage. Here`s a step-by-step guide to filing your case and all the court forms you need, as well as worksheets to help you meet legal requirements. Summary dissolution can be a useful process for couples looking for an amicable way to dissolve a marriage.

If there are few assets and liabilities, it may be possible to apply to a court for a summary resolution without much difficulty. However, most couples have large and/or complex assets and liabilities that can make a petition more complicated without the help of an experienced California attorney. Contact us today to find out if summary resolution is the best choice for you. Not everyone can get a summary resolution. Most people need to divorce regularly. This section will help you decide if you want to be eligible for a summary resolution and, if so, how to submit it. If you are married, you or your spouse must have lived in California and the county where you are seeking a summary resolution in the past 6 months. If you don`t meet the residency requirement, you can still apply for legal separation, but you`ll have to go through the regular legal separation process or wait until you meet the residency requirements for divorce. If you are a registered, UNmarried domestic partner, click for help to file a summary dissolution for a domestic partnership. If you and your spouse are married AND registered partners, you may be able to end same-sex marriage and domestic partnership. Click here to read the instructions for dissolving a same-sex marriage and a domestic partnership.

For national partners Learn more about the requirements you must meet to be eligible for a summary resolution to end your registered national partnership. Also find a step-by-step guide on how to apply for termination of your partnership, as well as worksheets to help you meet legal requirements. If you are in a domestic partnership, but also in a marriage that you want to end, read the section for married couples. If you are not 100% sure that you and your spouse agree on all the details of the dissolution of your marriage, summary resolution may not be the best option. You can spend a lot of time and money on the petition only to find out that your spouse withdrew the petition after re-examining one aspect of the separation. The summary resolution offers some California couples an alternative to divorce. If both spouses or partners agree on how the marriage or domestic partnership will end, summary dissolution can be a great tool. .