As per Schedule `A` – Unifor 2458 FT Collective Agreement

The collective agreement between Unifor 2458 FT and the employer outlines the terms and conditions of employment for unionized workers. One important aspect of this agreement is Schedule `A`, which outlines the work schedule for employees.

Schedule `A` outlines the regular work hours and days of the week for each job classification. This ensures that employees know when they are expected to work and helps to prevent scheduling conflicts. It also helps the employer to plan for staffing needs and to ensure that there is adequate coverage during busy periods.

The collective agreement also outlines the process for overtime and shift changes. If an employee is required to work outside of their regular scheduled hours, they are entitled to overtime pay. Additionally, the employer must provide reasonable notice of any shift changes and must ensure that employees are not scheduled for back-to-back shifts without adequate rest time.

It is important for employers to adhere to the terms outlined in Schedule `A` of the collective agreement to ensure that employees are treated fairly and paid appropriately. Failure to adhere to the agreed-upon work schedule or to pay employees for overtime can result in grievances and potential legal action.

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In summary, Schedule `A` of the Unifor 2458 FT collective agreement outlines the work schedule for unionized employees, including regular work hours, overtime pay, and shift changes. Employers must adhere to the terms outlined in the agreement to ensure fair treatment and avoid grievances and legal action.