Foreign companies often license a joint venture in the UK or participate in a joint venture in the UK without setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK. This may be subject to certain restrictions depending on the industry and other places of business of that foreign entity; For example, THE EU PHARMACEUTICAL REGULATION REQUIRES A COMPANY TO HAVE A QUALIFIED PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PHARMACOVIGILANCE BASED IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. A lease does not end with the death of a landlord. The executor of the landlord`s estate (where the landlord has left a will) assumes the landlord`s interest until the property is transferred to the successor or sold. [5] If the landlord has not left a will, the property passes to the Public Trustee until a family member of the landlord receives an estate administration grant. [6] A new landlord is bound by the terms of an existing lease. A software licensor is authorized, and indeed the market practice in that jurisdiction, to prevent licensee from copying, adapting, boning, decompiling, disassembling or modifying the Licensed Software; However, this restriction is often marked with or in the sense of “to the extent permitted by law”. Indeed, the CDPA provides that a licensee has certain rights that a licensor cannot restrict, including: Subject to the terms of a licence agreement, nothing in UK law prevents a foreign owner or licensor from initiating proceedings without joining the UK licensee. Nothing shall also prevent a licensee from initiating proceedings without the consent of the owner or licensor, provided that the licensee is allowed to initiate the proceedings. This Agreement licenses software, systems or processes to be integrated into one or more other software systems or applications. For licensees of non-exclusive trademarks and exclusive licensees for whom the license does not confer any right of action on behalf of the licensee, Article 30 TMA 1994 entitles the licensee to request the owner to initiate infringement proceedings in all matters affecting the licensee`s interests, unless the license excludes this right.

If the patent owner refuses to bring an action or does not do so within two months of the application, the licensee may bring an action on his own behalf. Here too, the holder must be associated as a party to the proceedings and, if added as a defendant, is not subject to a fee, unless he participates in the proceedings. It is likely that intellectual property could be used in more than one industry and that the owner or inventor will license it on a large scale, but will only share the costs and risks with one licensee per industry or sector – if a company licenses the right to manufacture and sell products, the licensor receives revenue from this license, but does not take the risk of production. Promotion and sale of these products. On the other hand, the licensee has the right to use the intellectual property without the costs and risks of research and the cost of product development. Parties often enter into agreements when they transfer trade secrets or know-how to each other for a purpose that expressly protects the use and processing of the information and determines compensation for its loss or misuse. It is also customary to include in such agreements an explicit reference that grants the right to seek an injunction as a first resort in the event of loss or misuse of information. The courts were prepared to issue injunctions in recognition of the importance of trade secrets. The European Commission considers that non-cancellation clauses in settlement agreements are generally acceptable, provided that the non-challenge is induced only by a licence to the law in question.

An unregistered right may be licensed or assigned to the extent that it can be defined in such a way as to provide sufficient certainty as to the extent of that right. Unregistered trademarks are not uncommon in the UK and are often licensed because they are easy to delineate and can be protected by the common law tort of deception, thus ensuring the value of a licensee. Similarly, trademark licenses typically contain references to the associated unregistered rights associated with that trademark, such as.B. the goodwill associated with it. Future or potential rights may be subject to a prospective license. Compensation may be payable to a “commercial agent” under the Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations, 1993 for terminating his or her continued authority to negotiate a purchase of goods on behalf of a professional. Therefore, most international licensing agreements will be structured in such a way that the licensee does not fall within the definition of “commercial agent”. The English courts only apply the laws of the agency if there is an agreement establishing an agent-principal relationship (i.e. if the agent is authorised to bind the client, as opposed to a simple licensing relationship (see VLM Holdings Limited v Ravensworth Digital Services Limited [2013]).