1. CONTRACT – These Terms and Conditions, together with any other additional written terms we give you in connection with your order or service agreement, constitute a contract between you, the purchaser of certain equipment (including parts and other goods), software licenses and/or services (the “Buyer”) and us, mettler-Toledo, that is based on the offer, order confirmation, service contract, invoice or other Order Document that we give you (“MT”). The rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement apply to the purchase by the purchaser of the equipment, software licenses and services specified in the MT Order Documents. If Buyer`s order includes software subject to an End User License Agreement (“EULA”), the terms of the EULA also apply and prevail over these Terms. Terms and conditions that deviate from or are modified from them only apply if both parties accept them in writing. The terms and conditions contained on the Buyer`s forms, including the Buyer`s General Terms and Conditions of Purchase and the documents presented to MT`s sales representatives, do not form part of this Agreement. Buyer`s receipt of equipment, software licenses and/or services constitutes full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and all applicable EULA available under www.mt.com/legal. Delays in the provision of services due to access rules (e.B. clean rooms) or other delays caused by the customer (e.B.

waiting time).4. Declaration of conformity to technical standards and safety rules The user or Before the start of the work, the customer safety managers inform MT-CH employees of possible health risks or contamination risks caused by machinery, installations and materials and provide them with the necessary protective clothing without being asked. Mt-CH employees must receive a corresponding written declaration of compliance with technical standards and safety rules. A declaration of conformity to technical standards and safety rules must be attached to the goods when the machines are sent to us. Otherwise, the machine will not be examined. If the declaration of conformity to technical standards and safety rules is not submitted immediately upon request, MT-CH reserves the right to return the machine to the customer at the customer`s expense and to charge the customer a lump sum as a refund. © Mettler-Toledo (Schweiz) AG Liab. Co Valid from 01.05.2017 These General Terms and Conditions replace all previous versions 27. PERSONAL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION – Buyer agrees that MT has the right to use, process and store all data received by MT under this Agreement in accordance with applicable laws and to allow a third party to use it on behalf of MT, to process and store. Except as expressly agreed in the MT Order Documents, our sales and services to the Buyer do not include any processing of personal data by MT for or on behalf of the Buyer. As part of our relationship with you, we may process limited personal data of some of your employees or subcontractors that we use to respond to your requests or requests and to perform our contracts with you (for .B.

to process and fulfill orders, process payments, arrange deliveries and deliveries, and provide repairs and support services). MT uses contact information obtained from you in connection with the purchase of a product or service for the direct marketing of similar products or services. You can request not to receive marketing communications at any time by contacting us at www.mt.com/contact. Further information can be found in our privacy policy under www.mt.com/privacypolicy. Work, travel time and ancillary costs for an annual inspection are included in this clause.1.1.2 Maintenance every two yearsThis maintenance includes the same work as annual maintenance. Since less frequent maintenance results in more work, an additional 25% is levied on the total contract price.1.2 Clause on “certification”In connection with maintenance MT-CH offers calibration and accreditation of your equipment (among others, ISO 17025) or specific certificates as needed by the customer.1.3 Clause on “Repair contract” 1.3.1 Contract requirement and durationThe “Repair contract” clause can only be used in conjunction with ”  Annual maintenance” and in case of malfunction, covers free professional repair or replacement of the machine (at the discretion of MT-CH). Travel time and the work of the technician are included in this clause. As a rule, this clause expires automatically without written notice 10 years after delivery of the machine. All other clauses remain in force independently.1.3.2 ReservationMT-CH reserves the right, regardless of the clause, to charge a separate fee for the repair of defects resulting from: The specific service products for each device are presented in aggregate form.

As the owner of high-quality instruments, you can contribute to their proper functioning through a METTLER TOLEDO service contract. We are therefore pleased to inform you of the upcoming service enhancements you will receive from METTLER TOLEDO Switzerland. Transparency is very important to us. From 2019, your service contract will therefore have a new structure even clearer. Start: The service contract begins upon receipt of a signed offer. The service contract is concluded for an indefinite period. End: The service contract may be terminated in writing by both parties with one month`s notice until the end of a calendar year; otherwise, the contract will be extended for another calendar year.1.1 “Maintenance” clause 1.1.1 Annual maintenance Annual maintenance includes the following work: Legend In addition to the customer and contract number, the new document structure also includes the invoice recipient in the header (Any Company Ltd, Any Street 1, 1111 Any Town). From now on, your request will be received centrally via the phone number +65 6890 0011 and forwarded to the appropriate team….