You’ve come to realise that you online branding needs to become more than your social media posts but where do you start.

If being a digital geek is not your thing, the best way is to outsource the build and design to someone else (or perhaps a few!)

You’ll find now that most graphic or branding agencies can do the ‘one stop shop’ for your digital needs and honestly if you have no idea where to start and just want it done this is your best option.

How to decide on an agency

Google is your best friend. Google agencies in your area, consider brands that you like and try and source where they get their branding done.

Once you have narrow down your agencies have a look at their portfolios and social media. Do you like their look and feel? Can you resonate with previous designs? Choose an agency that you do, it will be easier to get the end result you are seeking.

What do they want from me to start creating my website (website template)

They will need a brief. And what I mean by brief is that they will want to know the scope of work they are requiring so that they can resource and price accordingly. A good agency will have a template that they will want you to fill in that will consider all things about your brand and what are your values and end goals. If that all seems too much (and you have just read that and thought WTF) keep reading below and I’ll provide you with a few tips.

Building a website template and tips:

  • How many physical pages do you want? (You may want to get out a large piece of paper and plan it out)
  • You will need a home page, services/product, about me/us/my story and contact page for starter, so that’s 4 pages for starters. Those pages that you see on a homepage or at the top of the page are called landing pages – fancy speak for master page (insert diagram) These are great for adding pages to and really easy to keep your website looking neat and clean. Also helps visitors navigate around your page.
  • Consider how you would like the flow of your page that you want your customers to visit. If you have many products do you want to list them all under your services/page?

Need a little help and guidance?

I’m happy to help, either give me a buzz or drop me an email!


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