Find out more about Raasay Digital and how it can help you.
I'm based in Melbourne, but don't let that stop you. The internet has allowed us to connect on a larger scale and I'm happy to connect with you either in person or in a digital capacity!
I want to help entrepreneurs, small business owners, idea’s people bring their plans to life. I want to be able to assist with running their business and increase their online footprint.
I love for working with time poor business superstars who get the ‘why’ of social media, but not necessarily the ‘how’. I'L work with you to create responsive social media, amazing websites and get you noticed online.
Find out more about my services below:
Web Design
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Fiona McDonald
Founder and Owner
I’ve been “officially” in the social media landscape for seven years. I say “officially” because, let’s be honest I’ve been in the social media/digital land since ICQ had that annoying “uh-oh” noise notification (those people who know what I’m talking about would have instantly just heard it).
I had a Myspace profile before Facebook became popular and a music site (trust me, a while). My first email address was a Hotmail email address in 1997, when I had just started high school!
And, my parents would come home from work during school holidays to tell me to hop off the internet as it was chewing up the phone! (in other words dial-up days). So, I guess a while!
Where the “official” part comes in.
I guess you could say, this is where I started putting my digital skills on my resume. Having careers in non-for-profits, medium sized organisations and large corporate environments (I’m talking 120K+ followers!).

Abby Smith
Lead Designer
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Brian Carson
Lead Developer
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